INTELCORE is an innovations company registered in the Kingdom of Bahrain. INTELCORE actively seeks to identify
Here are some of the projects currently active at INTELCORE in various stages of development and investment. Certain other projects are also active but these cannot be discussed publicly until the deals are finalized and closed.
Global Business Innovation Venture Capital Portfolio
The bulk of INTELCORE's funding is focused on global high-tech innovation and a variety of significant projects are underway.
Bahrain Aerospace WLL
INTELCORE founded Bahrain Aerospace WLL, a company which deals with the scientific (i.e. membership in the International Astronautical Federation, IAF) and investment related issues of INTELCORE's aerospace activities (i.e. satellite applications) as well as with its Bahrain related aerospace themes (Bahrain Top Investments). For example, Bahrain Aerospace already holds an aircraft charter operation license from the government of the Kingdom of Bahrain and explores and assesses business opportunities in airport and aircraft, cargo and passenger handling activities.
Bahrain Top Investments Portfolio
A part of the portfolio is allocated to infrastructure related projects which positively impact the Kingdom of Bahrain and balance overall portfolio risk.
Facility Management
INTELCORE in collaboration with one of the largest European construction companies and a prominent German architect firm based in the Kingdom of Bahrain have jointly established a facility’s management company. INTELCORE owns 24.5 percent of the new company which will be headquartered in Bahrain and will serve the entire GCC market with the following objectives:
- Full range of facility and property management services within and outside of the Kingdom of Bahrain, including planning, operation, maintenance and repair of facilities and buildings, technical building installations, electrical and mechanical installations, production facilities, machinery and equipment.
- Ensuring and safeguarding functionality, asset maintenance and efficiency.
- Risk management, property related commercial services and consulting.